
Wednesday, 16 June 2021

reading task


  1. How many garden snails were there to start with? Answer  = 10

  2. What do you think happened to the snails who climbed up the old grey gate? Answer = 2

  3. Why were there only 6 snails left when they met a hedgehog? Answer =  there were six snails becomes the hedgehog aet the snails.i

  4. How many snails were left after they met a spotted bird? Answer = six 

  5. Who did the snails meet after the spotted bird? Answer = 

  6. What did the last 2 snails do? Answer = they went to the plant pot.

  7. Why do snails hide in sticks? Answer = they go in there sulue

  8. What time of the day do spotted birds come out to find snails? Answer = in the morning

  9. Where do hungry hens find snails? Answer = they find snails in the gunded

Practice sounding out these words. Look at the first and last letters.